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Types of horses - check which one applies to your horse!

Published: 2016-08-12 12:13:08 Categories: Lifestyle Rss feed

typy-koni-a-jaki-jest-twoj-kon background source:, draw. Morgane Schmidt Gabriel

We have already mentioned types of riders, instructors... So the only ones left to analyse are our horses. Today we will put them on the stand :) Below we present 16 groups that we made - types of horses, which you have probably met in your life at least once. Nay! Maybe even have sat on their backs :)

Each of the below types is characterised with some negative trait, which might be observed at our horses, and might even often irritate you :) We hope that we will give you something to laugh at with this article :)

1. Lazy

"We're going to ride again? But I run on this pasture without grass yesterday!" The "lazy" feels best at walk, but he is a true master of a standing or laying position. His passion is slouchy chewing green grass on a pasture, basking and napping. Problems begin if his owner does not share his passions, and desire to make him as keen to be active as the owner is him- or herself. Then the "lazy" is truly unhappy! The "lazy" is not willing to react to calf signals, but he is a master of shifts to a slower gait :)

When you try to jump with him, it is like trying to break up a lorry while riding uphill. "My owner must be not very intelligent, since he/she tells me to jump over those wooden fence scattered all over the arena. You can just walk pass them," the "lazy" thinks and thoroughly goes past all obstacles. Motivating him with the use og whip will not be very helpful, as the "lazy" one has his own pace. It is really difficult to work on shortening and lengthening his foules at canter, or starting at a higher gait from a stop. But it is possible ;) Those who work with a "lazy" - do not lose your hope! :D

typ konia - leniwiec source:, draw. Morgane Schmidt Gabriel

2. Hothead

It is an energetic, fierce temperament, which is difficult to tone down. The "hothead" is a horse with ADHD :) On a pasture he is all over the place. You never know what will happen the next minute - a blink of an eye is enough to be on the ground instead of the saddle, when you were just riding at a walk. Another blink and you race at a canter through the training arena. That's a horse you will never be bored with! One thing is charming about him: nobody can be more involved in being happy than he is. When the ride is enjoyable or he will see you after a break, he will definitely celebrate it with a few spins, wild canter at the pasture's fence and happy whinny :) How is it possible not to love such a doofus! :)

typ konia - gorąca głowa source:, draw. Morgane Schmidt Gabriel

3. Sociable

This type has highly developed herd instinct, which can be quite a problem for his owner. The "sociable" cannot go first (he is no leader), not even last in a battalion. It is also impossible to be alone with him on a manege, indoor arena, transport or field. His willing to be with other horses can be something you will not be able to fight. What is more, the "sociable" mirrors patterns of behaviour - just as a foal. If horses buck while riding on a training arena - he will too! If Lucky got a carrot from his owner - he has to get one too! If somebody takes off and enters the stable, your "sociable" also goes in that direction. The "sociable" is usually also a dare-devil, who tries to endear horses of stronger character and better position in the horses' society. Unfortunately, it may have various effects, which is why he usually ends up as the weakest link in herd. If somebody comes back bruised from the pasture - it would be him.

typ konia - społeczniak2 source:, draw. Morgane Schmidt Gabriel

4. Spoiled

This horse will do absolutely nothing unless you have something to offer - a cookie, treat, or carrot. He owes a prize for anything he does, even for simply existing. You have nothing tasty? Do not count on quickly leaving the pasture, having the "spoiled" on a lead. This type has an opinion on every topic, which does not always add up to his rider's. He is the first and most important, so do not even try to stroke another horse in his presence. Unless you want to find out what horse's jealousy looks like! Everyday massage, long brushing, care treatment - that's first. Properly long time spent on the pasture - second. A lot of stroking - third. And of course loads of sweets - fourth! If you fail to fulfil any of these conditions, you do not deserve to experience the "spoiled" good humour :)

typ konia - rozpieszczony draw. Shaun Bryant

5. Lovely foal

Type of horse, who always seems to be "out of time." His movements are phlegmatic and calm. What is more, this tempo does not apply only to his movements, but seem to apply to his thinking as well. This horse will do anything and will agree to anything, which makes him the perfect type for children (he would not react if you put your hand in his muzzle or spread an umbrella standing next to him). Nothing impresses him and pretty much nothing can scare him. He reminds you of a huge teddy bead :) Just made for hugging! His canter resembles pitching in a cradle, his turns - turning of a bus, and you will know about all his "unexpected" tides of energy at least a few seconds beforehand :)

The "lovely foal" is also very clumsy, so if he throws you away from the saddle by mistake, he surely will not leave you laying on the manage alone. The "lovely foal" will approach you, terrified by what just happened, checking if you are all and well :) However, you have to be careful with such horse's type: if you do not change an obstacle or make a turn properly earlier, do not be surprised if the "lovely foal" will simply ride right into it :P

typ konia - kochany cielak source:, draw. Morgane Schmidt Gabriel

6. Dangerous beast

It is an untamed and strong animal, who makes everybody horrified. You walk pass him while going through the stable corridor? He will sense your fear and hit his hooves against his stall's walls or snap his teeth when you will be right next to him. The "beast" is a horse of strong temperament, which is why he is suitable only for those riders, who can take control and dominate him without physical violence. Then he turns out to be a devoted, wonderful and ambitious horse of his rider. But only one rider! Do not even try to become friends with him, letting the false impression of him being "tames" and "civilised" lead you astray. You probably do not deserve to be treaded mildly, so be prepared for the worst possible scenario ;)

typ konia - groźna bestia source:, draw.Morgane Schmidt Gabriel

7. Ambitious

A horse made to win. Nobody is more excited and bustling by the atmosphere of competition, music, other horses' company than him. The "ambitious" performs everything with full involvement, even caricatural during training even before the competition. You arranged an obstacle of 60 cm? Be prepared for your horse to jump it with a margin for a 120 cm obstacle :) You want an extended trot? No problem, but you better buckle up, cause the "ambitious" will try to set a new record in the steps' length, raising his legs higher than the standards predict. There is no "a little" or "a few" for him. There are only "all," "everything" and "maximum." If he encounters a rider who is just like him, it would be a killer duet that would want to achieve absolutely everything during one ride. Only a really good coach would be able to prevent a catastrophe :)

typ konia ambitny source:

8. Slicker

"Cookies? I haven't seen them anywhere!" The "slicker" will be more than willing to pull a trick on you, whenever you turn your back on him. You loosen the girth for relaxation after a ride? Perfect idea! The "slicker" has his own idea - he will jump a little to the side, then speed at a canter from a stop, pretending to be scared to death. You will land on the ground, with the saddle on his belly. You came to the pasture, pretending that you wanted to take another horse for a ride? Keep on trying! The "slicker" will observe you from a distance. Do not count on catching him without help. The "slicker" is known from the fact that when his plans die on the vine, he pretends to be super innocent, completely unaware of what he has done. Bitten saddle? It was not him! Knocked bucket with water? It was the wind! Also - stepping on your foot was an accident. With him, all the leads untie, brushes and equipment are scattered all over the corridor. You have an armageddon in the stable while you left for just a second...

typ konia - cwaniaczek source:, draw. Morgane Schmidt Gabriel

9. Stubborn

"What? Riding? But we did it once yesterday, it's enough! I'm not going anywhere!" The "stubborn" can stand firmly as if he grew roots. You have no chance to move him an inch. The same happens during riding. You want to jump? You want to canter? No way! The "stubborn" will not let you to force him to do anything. Thus, the only method working on this type of horse is a proposition, or even a plea, which he might eventually fulfil :) You may achieve your goals with him by distracting him or offering something really alluring as an award :)

10. Patient

It does not matter how many jets, rugs, masks, or fly hats you put on him, if you stick your fingers into his nose (kids have many crazy ideas), douse his muzzle with water while cleaning him, or pull the girth too much - he will stand unaffected. This type of horse is the most desired one as a first horse for a child and the perfect one to teach horse riding in a recreational stable. It is very hard to throw him off balance, but if you somehow manage to do this, you might really regret it...

typ konia - cierpliwy source:, draw. Morgane Schmidt Gabriel

11. Eeyore

"It's raining again? And they want something from me, again? Aargh..." The "eeyore" is a very good-natured horse, who will pretty much always touch your heartstrings, because he always looks crestfallen and sad. Frankly, you have to come to terms with the fact that all your friends will wonder if you keep him in a cupboard or hit him. Unfortunately, it does not matter how much you will pamper this horse, he will always be sad. Maybe he just cared about the world? Famine, wars, climate changes and ozone hole? Who knows ;)

12. Chicken-hearted

"There is a monster in this bottomless puddle!" "Did you hear that?! Something is in the bushes!" The "chicken-hearted" is a very common type, who will always react with fear when a stimulus appears, even if they know each other well. Even if you would try to familiarise him with presence of the unknown "intruder" by overcoming a fancy obstacle course, he will always get scared by something (a foil on the ground, a flag in the wind, loud noise, a butterfly from a nearby meadow). The "chicken-hearted" is absolutely irreformable, which is why it is best for him to "find" the right rider for him - a calm, steady person, who would build a trust with him and make the horse feel at least a bit more safe :)

typ konia - strachuś source:, draw. Morgane Schmidt Gabriel

13. Crosspatch

The "crosspatch" will get mad at every possible occasion. He will be the one to try to bite you when you even try to pull a girth. It does not matter that you tried changing it a thousand times, looking for the cause of your pet's unwillingness. The "crosspatch" will snap his teeth even when you fasten only one hole, so you would not touch his abdomen. The "crosspatch" is also no help while mounting. Regardless of how many times you train standing with him, he will always make at least one step before you get into the saddle.

The "crosspatch" is not a very likable member of a herd. He usually is somewhere on the side, trying to bear constant attacks from the other horses. Your smith and vet also know his habits. If you hear a loud "CAAAAAALM!" from the stable, you know it is your horse who is currently taken care of :)

The "crosspatch" just needs a very loving rider, who would never give up on him despite his all attempts of driving the human away :)

typ konia złośnik source:, draw. Morgane Schmidt Gabriel

14. Happy soap-dodger

It is not known whether it has something to do with the genetics, but the biggest soap-dodgers are always grey horses. And the fact that contamination is more visible on them is of no importance here. Those are the grey horses who are the most keen to lie down in a stall that has not been littered yet (beautiful brown stains are what they like the most), and the best place to wallow is always mud or puddle (preferably right after a bath...). If the day before competition you clean him up, wrap him in a rug with straps so he would not get dirty, brace yourself for a surprise. In the morning you will see your horse - in a rug, but his neck, head and crest will be absolutely miserable (there is no rug there :D). Even if you come up with the idea of putting a rug with hood on him and transport boots - do not be delusional. He will be dirty anyway.

Thus, it is good to just come to terms with it, providing yourself with some additional time to clean up your beloved pet. If 10 minutes for cleaning and saddling is enough for others, you will surely need an hour and 10 minutes ;)

typ konia - szczęśliwy brudasek source:, draw. Morgane Schmidt Gabriel

15. Poor eater

It does not matter how hard you try, his friends will devour their portions within few minutes and he will pick on what you give him. Hand-made mixtures of vegetables, oats and supplements will go to waste. The "poor eater" cares about his line, as well as his stomach and will not touch anything that does not fully please his taste buds. You constantly call a vet hoping that this time he or she will find the cause of his lack of appetite and experimenting with new inventions.

It is normal that you are known in every equestrian shop, because you constantly search for "the" fodder, which will finally be good for your steed. But he still just sighs at breakfast, dinner and supper. It even seems to you that he chooses the high-quality aristas on the pasture, which have not been touched by either human hand, or horse hoof :)

16. Always hungry

Fodder intended for supper in a bucket standing somewhere next to him will inevitably disappear. Nobody told him it is a meal for later, and he just got hungry! He is a little bit like Winnie-the-Pooh, who always have time for a "little something." His horsy posture usually could look much better, but there are some cases of strikingly slender guts. The "always hungry" tries to eat pretty much everything. While cleaning, he does not waste any time and tries to find some scraps in the lead with which he is tied up. When you leave him for a while with equipment before riding, you will find a bitten saddle, torn boots and half-eaten saddle pad. Sometimes, for brief moments it might seem that this horse has a teeth-deficit hyperactivity disorder :) If you want to demand more from such horse on trainings, do not take him on a manege with empty stomach! Otherwise, you will come back running to the stall, the exact moment you get off his back :)

typ konia - wiecznie głodny source:, draw. Morgane Schmidt Gabriel

In fact, it does not matter what kind of horse you are dealing with. Each one of them deserves a good friend, love and care, which will help make him a happy and healthy horse. So remember why it is so important to chose a horse, while buying one, who would fit you with temperament, due to which he will meet your expectations. Then both you and your dream horse will not be frustrating one another.

It is also worth knowing that it is possible to transform every type of horse - due to systematic work - a beautifully muscular, brave and happy steed. A particular "type" means nothing more than inborn predisposition towards some behaviour. Which means that you can influence the development of negative traits by hindering them and investing in other traits.